In fact, the underlying philosophy of Vivaldi is based on already having enough tools that you shouldn’t need to download any extensions at all. The Vivaldi browser not only has abundant features right out of the box, but its customizable nature makes it flexible enough for almost any user’s needs, whether for personal or professional use. Vivaldi is a Chromium-based browser and will therefore work with most extensions in the Chrome web store.Vivaldi collects little data on its users and doesn’t sell the data it does collect to third parties.The Vivaldi web browser is intended to be a customizable and fully featured browser that doesn’t need extensions.It’s flexible, customizable and better about privacy than most major browsers, so there’s a lot to cover in our Vivaldi review.

The result is Vivaldi, a versatile and feature-rich web browser made to be as customizable as possible. The co-founder and former CEO of Opera, Jón Stephenson von Tetzchner, left the company to develop his own browser in 2016.

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